

THE MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT must be hoping against hope that the United Kingdom Independent Party, led by ever-smiling aristocrat Nigel Farage, is defeated by some other fringe group of lunatics so that European Deputies can happily get back to stealing money from the European coffers without anyone telling the wider public what they are up to.

FARAGE AND HIS MERRY MEN (pictured above) have spent most of their apparently fun-ridden time in the European Parliament denouncing the evil-doings of European politicians, who have been startled by the fact that there are people in Britain who think that members of parliament should not be corrupt. Farage himself was responsible for denouncing the French convicted criminal and MEP Jacques Barrot, after he had stolen two million pounds from government funds yet was immune from prosecution in France as he was a member of the French government, thus being punished by being “sent to Europe”, to fiddle some more.

JOSÉ MANUEL BARROSO, THE PORTUGUESE head of the European Commission, chosen under fishy circumstances, has also been the victim of Farage’s whistle-blowing. In 2005, using European legislation requiring MEPs to divulge their interests, Farage asked Barroso to declare where he had spent his summer holidays. Outraged at the suggestion that he should comply with the law, and unwilling to tell the world that he had spent the summer on the private yacht of Greek shipping millionaire Spiro Latsis, with whom Barroso had just signed a 10.3 million Euro grant of European Commission “aid”, Barroso did everything to have the issue hushed up, and any MEPs who supported Farage’s motion of no confidence in him were thrown out of their groups in mid-debate.

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