

THE RECENT ATTACK ON OUR HEALTH coming from the so-called European Union, also known as the Franco-German Empire, should surprise no one. The “European Law” that tells our work-loving trainee doctors that they are no longer allowed to work or train for more than 48 hours per week will do little more than turn decent, middle-class chaps into bare-faced liars when they fiddle their time sheets in order to do a good day’s work.

FEARS ABOUND FOR OUR NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE when in the future we have doctors lazing around in garden chairs while we suffer from the diseases imported by the increasing Europeanisation of our dietary habits. While many people believe that the hamburger was invented by Genghis Khan in 1180, so he would not have to dismount from his little pony while conquering Europe, and others believe that it comes from our cousins in the USA, it is clear that the origin of today’s hamburger is in XVIII century Germany.

WE HAVE RECORDS OF IT as early as 1802 in New York City, eaten mainly by the large German population and then called “steak cooked in the Hamburg style”, or sometimes known as the “Frikadelle”. Descendents of these same Teutons must have taken it to California, where it began unleashing its poison gas in a lethal attack on the western world.

HAMBURGER GAS IS RESPONSIBLE for more deaths than any other known illness in history; and is without any doubt the cause of global warming and the hole in the ozone layer. Phenomena such as the hamburger gas cloud hanging over Los Angeles (above), one of the most afflicted areas on the planet, the fog on the River Tyne, the blackening of public buildings in London, and acid rain are all due to it. Indeed, one of the only benefits of this foul chemical swarm is the latter case: the prevailing winds over the British Isles send large amounts of its noxious poison over to the north coast of Germany.

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