

THE REISSUE OF THE 2009 movie of the same name is proving something of a success in British theatres, and is once again providing some difficulty in its interpretation. Is it suitable for children? Should it be X-rated? As a service for my readers, I have decided to provide the essential plot details and cast, and one may thus judge for oneself.

FANTASTIC DR. FOX IS A 2009 AMERICAN stop-motion animated film based on the Roald Dahl novel of the same name. The story is about a defence secretary who steals money every day from taxpayers and spends it on, among other people, his best friend, a mysterious creature who enjoys dancing with Dr Fox and using his friendship to meet wealthy farmers and foreign politicians who buy weapons from him.

THE TAXPAYERS BECOME FED UP WITH DR FOX, as do the journalists, led by Rat and Weasel, who write stories about him, but they do not try to kill him straight away, nor expose his strange behaviour with his best friend, as they are afraid they will be accused of hacking into Dr Fox’s phone or digging into his home.

DR FOX REALISES THAT HIS LIFE, WIFE and happiness are in danger, and so he outwits his enemies and goes to live with his family in a hole underground. The Foxes become accustomed to living in the sewers with others. Dr Fox gives up his old life and opens a supermarket, where he now is free to dance with his friend, and sometimes his wife.

Cast in full:

Liam Fox as Mr. F.F. Fox
Adam Werritty as “Best Friend”
The Invisible Woman as Mrs. Felicity Fox
George “Bushy Bush” Bush as David Cameron
Mickey Mouse as George Osborne
Rupert Murdoch as Rat
Kelvin McKenzie as Weasel
Yoda as William Hague (aka “Squirrel”)

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