

THE GREATEST AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL of all time, Gore Vidal, “tells it as it is”, in his American Presidency, about the history of democracy in the thirteen colonies and the various bits of farmland, swamp, backwoods, impassible rock, desert and volcanoes they have picked up throughout their history in forming what is known as the USA today. Very few publications, and hardly any DVDs, have caused such distress among those who have witnessed a showing, particularly in relation to Gore Vidal’s stunning claims that the presidents of the USA have always had to be racists.

ONE WONDERS HOW GORE VIDAL equates his theories with the election of Barack Hussein Obama, in whom he harboured hope, but has now decided he is an inexperienced lightweight who has been put over upon by the military and the sharp minds in Washington.

ONE OF GORE VIDAL’S MOST OUTRAGEOUS statements, made in the written medium and more impressively at a conference in Lisbon in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in June 1999, and in response to a question from the audience about American presidents, was that Lincoln was “worse than Stalin”. Gasps were heard in the audience, and women fainted, although this may have been due to the poor air-conditioning.

I WAS AT THAT CONFERENCE and I believe I was among the very few people who understood what the greatest political analyst of our times really meant. While some people fell back into the comfort of thinking, “Oh, Gore Vidal is 74 now, and he’s really lost his marbles” and similar such assumptions, it was clear that he meant that in the transition from the United States of America being a loosely connected group of like-minded sovereign states who had voluntarily entered into a union for protection against a common enemy (Britain) but who had remained separate in habits, beliefs, mores and laws, Lincoln was the first to come along and tell them all that they had to bow down to Washington. And worse: there was the US Government invasion of lands west of the Nueces and the Rockies and subsequent forcing of them to become US. This was nothing short of tyranny, as these areas had already been constituted as free territories.

IN A DIRECT SEQUENCE OF THIS LINE of modern dictators, the Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol-Pot etcetera stroll, we should, in all conscience, add the latest modern dictator determined to eliminate freedom. Yesterday’s sad “encouragement” of George Papandreou to “change his mind” about his announced democratic referendum, and what now looks like a “persuading” of the idea that it might be better for him to “step down”, has everything of the policies of Stalin.

JOSÉ MANUEL BARROSO’S APPEARANCE on dozens of European TV channels last night might be a public relations event intended to “help us Europeans understand the situation”, as was stated, but surely no one in their right mind should be unaware of the fact that this is a man who is in a position to tell freely elected governments of European countries what to do or he will crush them.

BARROSO AND VON RUMPEY-PUMPY make “Uncle Joe” Stalin look like a good guy. These two criminals are in charge of 340 million people; probably 250 million of them would choose to be out of the EU if they could, but Joseph “Stalin” Barroso and Herman von Hitler-Rumpey would never contemplate such a thing as choice.

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