

ALMOST DIRECTLY ON CUE, David “Dave” Cameron and George “Boy George” Osborne seem to have come to the modicum of whatever senses they have and decided that enough is enough over Europe. Whether this has to do with events heralded in this very blog on the 28th of June – the day when the Eurozone became a centralised state awaiting pan-Eurozone taxation – remains to be seen; nevertheless, the moment has seen Cameron and his fellow Old Etonian prankster change from a softly-softly warmish approach towards Europe and the dreaded European Union to a mildly cool one.

ADDED TO THIS, THE EMERGENCE of former defence minister Liam “After the” Fox with an outright anti-Europe speech this morning, calling for a referendum about “leaving Europe without pain”, shows that the Conservatives are just about getting their act together. And they are doing so in a manner swifter than anyone might have imagined last week. Perhaps, cynics might suggest, as it is becoming clear that no other Conservative policy is going to be a winner in the next election and the anti-Europe vote is a guarantee of an extra 10 %.

NEVERTHELESS; WITH A BIT OF LUCK this sudden faith in good sense will last long enough for Britain to be able to leave the hideous European Union permanently in the near future, hopefully before the European Federal Superstate is established, something which is far, far from the “common market” that we joined in 1973 under hapless Ted “Grocer” Heath. Unfortunately, summer break is at hand, and after this our good leaders will come back and will probably have found some other “hot” issue to discuss, such as obligatory carrying reflecting jackets or triangles in our cars. Or whether killing badgers should be banned.

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