

I WOULD NOT ARGUE WITH THOSE among my acquaintances who rather enviously think that my eight weeks’ holiday is far too long for the average gentleman to spend jollying about and cutting himself off from regular society, although I should point out that I often feel that the holiday period involves more stress and “work” – in both the physical and mental sense – than my own professions ever demand of me. It is reassuring, however, to return to my analyses of politicians and find that they are as interesting and colourful as ever.

IT IS NOT OFTEN THAT I FIND A NEED to praise one of our leaders for their honesty and decency even when they know that the truth may result in them losing votes, and thus I am thrilled to see that the next first lady of Japan, Mrs Miyuki Hatoyama, 66, has decided to come forward and reveal the truth about her visit to the planet Venus on a triangle-shaped UFO piloted by what she has termed “space aliens”, telling us that “It was a very beautiful place, and it was really green."

SCOFFING AS USUAL, NEVERTHELESS are the “intellectual” classes who seem to enjoy keeping the rest of us in the dark and pooh-poohing obvious facts. Such is the case of the astronomer Seth Shostack, a Caltech graduate who works at the SETI Institute, a world-renowned research group that seeks to explain "the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe." Shostack normally maintains an open mind, but has his doubts about Hatoyama’s claim, suggesting that it is “hard to have a pleasant trip to Venus” and saying he “seriously doubts” it is green.

SHOSTACK OBVIOUSLY HAS MISSED the point about what Mrs Hatoyama is stating. The events she has now shared with us happened 20 years ago, and she has revealed them on the same day that the Japanese government has announced its plans to reduce carbon emissions by 25%. Surely the message must be that if we are not careful we too will ruin our planet just like Venusians seem to have done – from pleasant rolling green countryside to 900ยบ Centigrade in a mere twenty years.

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