

O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!
My tables, -- meet it is I set it down,
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain;
At least I’m sure it may be so in Denmark.

Hamlet, Shakespeare

AS I WRITE OUR GOOD LEADERS are sitting at top table in Copenhagen, smiling, or smirking, at the gathered cameras, and so I make Shakespeare’s words my own. Never has such a collective of crooks been seated together with such unscrupulous aims and devious intent. If anyone actually believes that any of the heads of state and/or government at this “climate change” meeting had any interest whatsoever other than making sure they can feather their own nests for the next few years then they need taking out and being slapped with a wet haddock.

ONLY A FEW OF THESE PEOPLE BELIEVE in climate change, and even they do not truly care. The main concern in the minds of these villains may vary, but the underlying principle is the same: to cheat others out of money, profit, work and future. Gordon Brown, Sarkozy, Merkel and the sneaky Barroso might want China, Brazil and India to reduce their industrial outputs, but this is only to keep the European economies alive, rather than being swamped by cheap goods.

THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES MIGHT AGREE to reduce their emissions, but this will only be in exchange for Western money, which will, as usual, soon find its merry little way into the pockets of the leaders of these less than democratic, corruption-ridden, often nabob-led hell-holes in which the idea of betterment or welfare for the common people would be enough to turn the stomachs of those in charge.

THE COMMITMENT OF THE UNITED STATES can be gauged by the fact that Barack Obama has only just turned up now (at 11 am on the last day), and has not yet gone to the sessions hall, having left all his negotiations to the boggle-eyed, crazy woman who possesses no clout whatsoever. The tables of the Plenary Session are a mass of confusion, with enough heated discussion going on to cause more than the dreaded global warming. Meanwhile, outside, it is the coldest winter for seventy years. And the news from England is no better.

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