

NO MATTER HOW HARD ONE TRIES THESE DAYS to concentrate on other pressing issues, there is a constant “bubbling under”, as Guinevere, my Girl Friday, tells me is the term, of disturbance in the Arab kingdoms that may at some stage affect one’s portfolio of investment.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS involving Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, the sweet-toothed leader of the Libyan revolution “under way since 1969” suggest that this is the time to get one’s Datsuns out and sell one’s timeshares.

HAVING STATED THIS, it might scrape out some sensibility from those among us who are not completely hedonistic and stupid to watch al-Gaddafi at the window of a nineteen fifties truck, carrying an umbrella and looking like Deputy Dog, distressed in the rain. We know how he got there; why do we now, only now, think he is a bad guy? He knows perfectly well that he has no place to hide. Put up your hands if you vote in favour of his death; and think about why you haven’t put your hands up over the last forty years.

1 comment:

  1. Hands up! One of the reasons why nothing has been done in the past 40 years is due to the fact that the world leaders of the so called "democratic countries", tend to see in this type of countries only one thing: barrels instead of people. However, I might be wrong and maybe they really just like to have around someone who can put to shame Lady Gaga is closet.
