

OUR LEADER DAVID CAMERON and his no doubt charming better half Samantha may not be everyone’s cup of Pimms’ for company over a meal, although I am sure that a repast with them at Downing Street would not be without a modicum of enjoyable badinage, wit, wisdom and repartee, depending on the other guests invited. I am, however, rather less convinced that the meal would be worth the price of £250,000.

NOT, OF COURSE, BECAUSE I QUESTION the quality of or value of the ingredients that would most probably be served at the table, as I have no doubt that the shops to which multimillionaires go to stock up on food for their posh friends charge rather more than one’s average local grocery store and this would be reflected in the treat served. I am sure that Cameron is not just a “meat and two veg” chap.

WHAT I FIND SOMEWHAT WORRYING in terms of value for money are the Camerons themselves. Not, I repeat, their ability to be entertaining, as I actually heard David Cameron tell a joke recently (stating that Alex Salmond’s policy on Scottish independence was supposed to be like the movie [sic] “Braveheart” but that it was more like “Chicken Run” – not a side-splitter, admittedly] and no doubt “SamCam” has some good stories about her time as a handbag designer, but about whether they are able to use their influence to help any budding investor or company director do well in their business careers.

IN MY EXPERIENCE, PEOPLE WHO INHERIT millions, such as Cameron and Osborne, have little idea of where the money came from, how much it is in ‘real’ terms and what one should do with it. One should not forget that Cameron was a chief adviser to Chancellor Norman Lamont on “Black Wednesday”, 1992, an event which almost saw the end of Sterling. So anyone with £250,000 to throw away would probably be better off going for dinner with Cameron’s financial advisor and respective spouse.

OF COURSE, I FORGOT, then one would not get one’s photo taken with David Cameron. And obviously Barack Hussein Obama, one foreign millionaire who is prepared to splash the cash in order to eat with “Dave”,thinks he got value for money.

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