

IT IS NOT OFTEN THAT ONE CAN witness the incorporation of a new linguistic vocabulary item into the mainstream of language usage, but those of us fortunate to be reading the Daily Mail and – since its “Samantha Brick” article – any other organ of propagating useless tittle-tattle and prattle, which more or less describes all the British newspapers and a good many websites, will now know that a new “Cockney” rhyming slang term has slipped into our everyday chat.

SAMANTHA BRICK, for those who may not have been following this utterly frivolous issue of recent times, is a lady journalist who, it seems, thinks she is attractive in the physical and sexual sense that is so beloved of men who merely see women as sex objects and describe them as ‘fuckable’, among upper class gentlemen, and ‘fit’, which is the term used by lower class chaps, occasionally, one imagines, to describe similar women.

MS BRICK PUT HER FACE on the line in writing an article in the newspaper in which she stated that “ten out of ten men fancy me" at "any dinner party", and that it is difficult for her to live her life normally and be respected because “women do not like attractive women,” and thus, presumably, the only people who like her are those who want, using her own logic, to ‘shag’ her, with their enthusiasm perhaps waning after their way with her has been had.

TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST, I am not sure what the fuss is all about, although I see a certain parallel in our political world. We do want our politicians to be exciting, invigorating and challenging individuals who will take us to places new, and give us pleasures we have not discovered before. That is perhaps not the case of our two leaders Cameron and Osborne, with the hanger-on Clegg, pictured above. Altogether they are a right set of Samanthas.

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