

TRUE TO FORM, OUR GOVERNMENT and, particularly, its opposition are showing great interest in the Afghanistan issue now that someone from the higher social strata has become a victim of this idiotic escapade. Many members of the Welsh Guards have been killed in different conflicts over the years, but one might imagine that the government would let the entire population of Wales die before it decided to spend any money on providing troops with adequate protection. Yet when Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, a personal friend of the Prince of Wales, was killed in action, our leaders were moved as one to bring about a public enquiry into how our troops are looked after, and now getting more helicopters and “boots on the ground” has become a project.

ON A SIMILAR NOTE, the fact that Cherie Blair has been forced to cancel her barbecue and honoris causa engagements in Liverpool after catching swine flu will most likely lead to the absurdly-named “Tamiflu” medication flowing freely over the counters in the next few weeks as yet another “priority project”. The news that 40,000 people complained to their doctor of “flu-like-illness” last week merits a footnote in the average newspaper, but the report about Mrs Blair gets in the region of a quarter of an inside page in many of them.

I AM SURE THAT CHERIE will be perfectly safe from this swine sickness, as she has always looked extremely well when I have bumped into her. Physically at least, she often seems a picture of health, except in pictures themselves, although she sounds a bit dotty and will not be healthy forever if she insists on opening the front door in her night dress. Whether or not she becomes seriously ill is of extreme importance; government policy, and thus the fate of a goodly number of people, depends on it.

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