

THE PALAVER AROUND ‘CLOSURE’ for the ‘world’ after the death of Michael Jackson is a social imperative. Many weeping, limp, insecure, halt, distraught and socially inadequate people need to know that he is at rest. Otherwise they will be blocking up much-needed psychiatric wards around the southern states of the USA for years, like Elvis fans still do.
THE FOLK WHO FOLLOWED Michael have shown their depth of feeling in no uncertain terms unless one looks at the dialectics of their verbal issue. But we get there. One local politician, from, I believe, Gary, Indiana, licked the stamp on the matter for me: “Michael’s death is like your Kennedy being shot”, a simile reiterated by a small number of television interviewees. (The your is mine.)

I SUPPOSE THIS REFERS to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, although I have no idea where the comparison may lie in the mind of these humble speakers talking in their underwear on the lawns in front of their caravans. When presidents and/or heads of states get shot to death, other presidents and/or leaders either get worried or become presidents and/or leaders.

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA might thus have wanted to have a word upon this “so relevant” death. After all, the similarities between Obama and Jackson are so great: the first true “crossover” black/mainstream artists; an ability to “hold a crowd on a whisper”; "mesmerising presence on stage”; coming from a “lowly steel town”; ability to kill a fly at five feet; among others. But Obama has not shown his hand, preferring to send a letter to the family in private and call Jackson’s death “tragic”.

OUR OWN GORDON BROWN has done his best. Understanding that he shouldn’t get involved in this matter at least until he finds out what an iPod is, he simply stated that he felt “deeply sorry for Michael Jackson’s family upon his death.” Is it only me, or do I get the feeling that Gordon Brown probably felt sorry for Michael Jackson’s family when Jackson was alive?

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