

JOURNALISTS IMPRESSED BY HOW GOOD David Cameron and Nick Clegg look together as they stride about arm-in-arm in front of the cameras have been struggling to find a term that can best describe them. I am pleased to see that at least one of them (Ann Treneman at The Times) has come up with the same name I have been using, although she makes it sound a pleasant epithet. I prefer to see it as representing something extremely unlikely, given that dromedaries, like most mammals, keep their eggs inside them while they hatch.

CAMEL DROPPINGS OR CAMEL DUNG are terms used offensively by many of our fellow humans who live in desert areas, and so I am naturally worried that less responsible commentators, such as those who write for Private Eye or The Daily Mirror, may end up taking advantage of this new “unified” name to insult our beloved leaders. Equally, there may be those who see in it some resonance of the unfortunate incident during the elections when a hooligan spattered Davy Cameron with an egg, or see in the pig-headed, mule-like obstinacy of the camel some reference to qualities which might be glimpsed in the behaviour of politicians on occasion.

IT IS A SHAME THAT SUCH A LOVEY-DOVEY arrangement was not made between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats in the past, under previous leaders. Then we might have had the Cashdown to guide us through our financial problems.

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