

NOT SINCE WINSTON CHURCHILL’S original quotation has there been so much chattering hatred and distrust about what really goes on inside the collective mind game we in the West call Russia. We were perfectly happy during the Cold War, when we understood the rules of the game, and remained so for a few years after the Glasnost and Perestroika experiences slowly led to Russia being coaxed into returning to what it used to be – a hidebound, poverty-stricken hell-hole full of peasants, drunks, a very small liberal aristocracy and a tiny (i.e. one person) ruling class. Through all this we still kept and put up with Red Square’s dealings.

NOW, HOWEVER, WE SEE THAT “RAS” PUTIN and his henchmen “oiligarchy” millionaires who own football in Russia are even more devious than anything seen until now. In buying the 2018 World Cup, in the process taking it away from its rightful home forever, we have been left miffed. “What can they be up to now?” senior politicians ask themselves. But in merely being confused, there is a risk that our leaders may miss the real danger: an alliance between Russian money and corruption with FIFA’s money and corruption will result in the most dangerous superpower the world has ever seen. Our politicians must get real as soon as possible, withdraw from Afghanistan and send our boys to Switzerland to occupy the FIFA offices.

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