

NANCY MITFORD MAY NOT HAVE BEEN TOTALLY correct when she merrily stated in The Pursuit of Love that “Abroad is unutterably bloody and foreigners are fiends”, but there may have been a like sentiment jangling and rattling about the empty head of our glorious leader David Cameron as he gloomily jaunted off for a meeting with Napoleon Sarkozy this morning.

CAMERON’S MEETING WITH recent father Sarkozy, now being referred to in his own smooche-cul sycophantic press as a “poodle” to Angela Merkel’s dubious Rottweiler – and thus henceforth referred to in Sunday Morning as “Fifi” Sarkozy – may prove that despair is perhaps not a word strong enough to describe how a decent chap may feel when observing our bone-headed leaders in Europe trying to sort out what is one of the most ludicrous ventures of recent times.

EXASPERATION MAY COME TO MIND as a more fitting manner of terming what some foreign fiends imagined, thirty years ago, to be a good idea: this being that solid, decent chaps who work hard and are in the top ten of the recently-published index on perceived corruption can possibly be on a par with Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and the unpronounceable entities from formerly communist Europe who have now wheedled their way into the European Union.

THE STRUCTURAL FUNDS granted to the “poorer” countries of the EU were intended to improve the standards of living of those living in these “poorer countries”. It now appears that the Germans and their cohort countries have understood that giving money to the governments of these soi-disant poorer countries means just that. None of this money would ever have reached the actual “poor” people – should they indeed be deserving of such an epithet.

“GIVING MONEY TO AFRICA”, as we sometimes hear old hippies and vegetarian lesbians who knit their own dildos state to be a good thing, never in fact means that the money will go to Africa, but rather to local nabobs who have taken charge of the countries that used to be ruled by stiff-moustached chaps who saw fair play as part of the wicket upon which humanity was built, but who now just pocket the cash with a broad grin as if to say “keep on giving, folks, because we need it”, and then spending the money received (at a rate of 1:19) on luxury items in Europe.

GERMANY AND FRANCE are examples of countries in which, historically, it has never been clearly understood that charity either (a) is relatively good or (b) is useless, unless it is accompanied by discipline and education. It might be a little late to explain to these people that ALL of the money given to southern European countries and Ireland as “structural improvement funds” was squandered, stored in offshore accounts or simply used by farmers to put snooker tables in their garages, useless swimming pools in their front lawns and garish pebbledash on the façades of their gaudy, cobbled-together houses.

EVEN THE PORTUGUESE STATE ITSELF, through the myriad robbers who have been members of the government over the last fifteen years, have stolen from both the European Union and the Portuguese people in the manner of taking “European” money to carry out “necessary” projects in Portugal, such as road infrastructures or dams, and either not completing them or having them built using illegal immigrant labour, with the State paying a fraction of the cost calculated by the EU and pocketing the excess, whacking it out with their friends in the engineering companies.

IT IS DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE that the European Union does not know what is going on with the money it spends on these ghost projects (most of them never get completed), particularly as our good leader, Joseph Stalin Barroso, was firmly involved in this money divvying when he was the head of the Portuguese Social Democrat PSD Party, which, along with the even more bloodsucking Portuguese Socialist Party, have spent the last hand-rubbing years whooping in delight at the ignorance, naiveté and general softness of “Europe”; some Portuguese members of parliament among them have scooped over 80 million Euros in “bonuses” for granting contracts. (Names can be supplied)

NEXT WEEK WE HAVE ANOTHER “Last Chance Saloon” meeting of European leaders (now reduced to Napoleon and Merkel). Whatever they come up with should be seen within the light of what serious analysts have been stating, and what those “in the know” have known for a while. Either we pump in so much money to the southern European countries that even the most corrupt politician among the most corrupt of the corrupt will feel happy and will spend the money from Europe on whatever he is supposed to or the whole thing will collapse. So what?

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