

THERE MAY WELL BE SUCH PEOPLE as wonder, as I do, why Syria is not quite getting the bashing that other states have been subjected to during the so-called “Arab Spring” (which is now in its second summer and has still not produced a Swallow) by our good offices in the Western World.

IT SEEMS RELATIVELY APPARENT TO ANYONE with a television set that people have been being mown down, blown up, gunned in their beds and sniped at in their tens of thousands by buffoon-faced Syrian President Bashar “Basher” al-Assad, for well over a year and that no one in the “free world” is doing anything about it other than sending unintelligible United Nations commanders and officials to make speeches on obscure channels late at night.

WHENEVER THIS HAPPENS WE KNOW that the UN is not really interested in the event or that something is standing in the way of the major powers to make them want to call a halt or cessation on proceedings.

MY GUESS IS THAT THIS IS THE CHARMING Asma al-Assad, the fruity, British-born totty who is First Lady of Syria, trophy wife to “Basher” and raised and educated in the United Kingdom. She is a good friend to our beloved Tony Blair and his wife Cherie. Were such contacts not enough to warrant a little benevolence on the part of the West in order to persuade us not to blow her mansions, swimming pools and leisure complexes to smithereens, we also have the fact that her contacts include many of the great and good in the field of medicine in London and, more importantly, the world of finance in the City.

WHILE EVERY DECENT CHAP THINKS that what is going on in Syria is jolly rum stuff, one would not want to do the dirty on one of our own, would one? Especially if one is the “special envoy” to the Middle East.

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